Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

I don't believe in mathematics!

Here, so this is my story about my dog relationship with my enemy, math. Hey, I hate math. Such a dog subject which it just makes you stressed out and count till the end of ur life. But sometimes, I love to calculate two different four digit numbers, if it is a problem in a competition or a game (hey, it's not because I love it, but I also want to win the game).

I hate maths. I hate to count. I hate to solve their problems. Just like what #DamnItsTrue says: dear math, please grown up and solve ur own problem. Hahaha, I love that quote. And if I'm not mistaken, Einstein have a quote like this: I don't believe in mathematics. Dear Einstein, I love that quote, hahaha.

So the conclusion is:
I hate maths.

Chaira Machmudya Salsabila

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